Monday, September 6, 2010

Reflections on this Holiday Monday...

Did I already say I love the blog A Holy Experience?  I think I have!  The blog author, a fellow Canadian mom, just has this way with words that resonates deep within my soul.  Here are some words from today in the form of questions...
How can I live in anything but this humbled grace?
How can I not give but everything from these hands of thanks?
How can we glorify God by doing anything less than this?
So. Very. True.

On this Holiday Monday before the hustle and bustle of school starts up again tomorrow... it is fairly calm in our household.  Quiet.  Relaxing.  Serene.  Well, except for the sound of hubby vacuuming the house!  Yes, I am blessed beyond measure... my hubby does QUITE A BIT of our household chores!

Hubby is vacuuming, I am blogging! LOL!

So... on to my reflections.  Yesterday, we attended another church... different, but a great experience!  The message was about how to live as an irreligious Christian... even my son and teenage daughter got it... talk about a Teaching Pastor who can effectively communicate to people of all ages!

Okay, I got sidetracked there... where was I?  Yes, the message!  Here it is in the nutshell: because we have the Good News of Jesus, we are then to live an "others-centered" life... bringing goodness into existence... pursuing "loving the lost" whatever the cost!  It is how we love God... by loving others! (Matthew 22:34-40)

He had an analogy.  Christians who sit there and do nothing are like rocks!  Rocks are lifeless... they do not effect change, they do not bring goodness into existence.  We need to be Christians that "ROCK ON"... pursuing love whatever the cost.  My teenage daughter loved that analogy, by the way.  She was still talking about it hours later...

So... as school starts up again and as we discern how to best serve God this year... as a family, we will remember... to "ROCK ON" for God... to live in this humbled grace... to give everything from these hands of thanks... to glorify God with nothing less than these!

Here I am.  Lord, send me!

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