♪♫ Heal my heart and make it clean.
Open up my eyes to the things unseen.
Show me how to love like YOU have loved me.
Break my heart for what breaks YOURS.
Everything I am for YOUR Kingdom's cause.
As I walk from earth into eternity. ♫♪
The words of the song by Hillsong called Hosanna is ringing very true for me on this Sunday morning. Last night, our family (together with my sisters and their hubbies and a few other friends) together made and served dinner to over 100 homeless folks.
My sisters and I have been doing this for years now... I don't think Christmas will be complete without us organizing a dinner at Out of the Cold. The homeless folks (some of whom have been back for many years) have come to expect a Chinese dinner from us every single year! :-)
My sisters and I have been doing this for years now... I don't think Christmas will be complete without us organizing a dinner at Out of the Cold. The homeless folks (some of whom have been back for many years) have come to expect a Chinese dinner from us every single year! :-)
After hours of hard work... our whole group of 13 people decided to descend upon an all-you-can-eat Japanese restaurant where we collectively spent about half the dollar amount it cost to feed dinner to over 100 homeless folks. We ate to our hearts' content... after all, we were hungry after working so hard!
As we drove home and entered our neighbourhood, our family was dazzled by the display of Christmas lights on some of the bigger homes in our neighbourhood.
At that moment... the lyrics of the song Hossana hit me hard. This is what breaks the heart of God... the stark contrast between homelessness and wealth... coupled with an attitude of apathy.
At that moment... the very same thing broke my heart too. I said to hubby and the kids... how do we reconcile this stark contrast? While we try to do our part... sometimes, there just aren't enough answers. :-(
Our family will continue to do Out of the Cold dinners for as long as there is a need. There will always be a need...
Would you consider doing something similar? Starting this Christmas?
Here I am. Lord, send me!
Here I am. Lord, send me!
Here are some photos from last night...

It's so easy to insulate ourselves in our comfortable little worlds and forget about all the needs "out there." Thanks for the reminder today to reach out.