Oh, how generous and gracious our Lord was! He filled me with the faith and love that come from Christ Jesus. ---1 Timothy 1:14 (NLT)132.
Writing letters to our Compassion children... a great Sunday evening activity for our family.
yummy all-you-can-eat Korean BBQ dinner... celebrating a nephew's birthday. Burp. :-)
Ice cream at Dairy Queen... that they wipe their equipment clean and re-wash their hands before serving my boy who is anaphylactic to peanuts.
That the chocolate sauce at Dairy Queen is safe for my son! Yipee... he can now have chocolate dipped cones.
In quietness and trust... being still and knowing that HE is God.
Busy week... sustained by God's grace.
Shoulder injury slowly healing... almost back to normal.
Awesome talks by the Teaching Pastor of a church we're considering to call home.
Celebrating Advent using the Jesse Tree Journey, a free Advent resource written by Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience. Thankful for Ann's beautiful words.
Seeing the work of Gateway firsthand as our family attended their Christmas Open House.
Chipotle Grill... great food!
Mailed Christmas presents to out-of-town family and friends... thankful for Christmas and the spirit of giving.
A lovely mid-week lunch with my sisters.
My daughter feeling good about her performance at tryouts for the girls' basketball team at school. Praying that God gives her the desire of her heart! :-)
And HE did! Oh happy day --- my girl made the school's basketball team! So proud of her.
Our family being able to pack an AIDS Care Kit for the first time... great project! Great way to give hope this Christmas.
Visiting my friend who is sick... I am awed by God's goodness and humbled by His grace.
It's been a while since I played piano for a worship service. I did on Sunday afternoon for my sister's church... my soul is happy!
Feeling more and more at home with a church we've been visiting these past few months. I felt peace worshiping there Sunday morning... with God clearly speaking to me about a specific thing. God is good!
First snow fall of the season... it's so beautiful outside!
Safe drive home in the heavy snow fall... a 15-minute drive home ended up being 2 hours long!
My friends... I hope you, too, are in awe of His endless gifts of grace for you!
Here I am. Lord, send me!

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