Today I am grateful for the words of the song Enough by Chris Tomlin --- ♪♫ "All of You is more than enough for all of me, for every thirst and every need. You satisfy me with Your love, and all I have in You is more than enough." ♫♪
176.Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.---Psalm 23:6 (NLT)
Hot cup of tea on a frigidly cold wintry day.
God can transform anyone... that He is still in the business of making people new! Day by day... in His time.
A sound mind.
Snowflakes... how each one is unique. How God made each person to be unique too.
That God knows just how much I can handle... and His grace is sufficient for each new day.
Christmas cards sent to our family... all in a pile, each one waiting to be read on Christmas Day.
Wrapping presents...
Presents that don't need wrapping... such as Gifts of Compassion. Will you consider giving them as gifts this year, too?
Grandparents visiting...
God reminding me of the verses from Isaiah 43:18-19...
186.“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.”
My girl's first basketball game with the Intermediate Girls' Basketball Team at school --- they won!
My completely healed shoulder.
School's out! Let Christmas begin...
Delivering Christmas presents to 29 under privileged children who live in one of the neediest communities in our city. Grateful for the families who came alongside us to help provide many of the presents.
First get-together of the Christmas holidays --- with friends, who are just like family! This group started with the friendship of 5 teenage girls... 22 years later, we are now 30 people in total! Very thankful for my sisters, my friends!!!
It's the week of Christmas, my friends! Our household is bursting with excitement and anticipation. We are nearing the end of Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree Journey and it has indeed been a great journey as we continue waiting --- as we anticipate celebrating God's gift to us that very first Christmas day!
Here I am. Lord, send me!

Visiting from "One Thousand Gifts" ... love that song and those words by Chris Tomlin! And, fun to read your list of thanks. Have a wonderful Christmas!