Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. 'Twas blind, but now I see.
How precious 'tis that grace appeared, the hour I first believed.
--- Words from the hymn Amazing Grace by John Newton, 1779153.
Beautiful walk to school with my boy on a snowy Monday morning. I am reminded of the words from Isaiah 1:18... "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow." Thankful for God's amazing grace.
Thankful for The Manger and eternally grateful for The Cross...
For my hubby... who likes to play those board games that require thinking (such as Mastermind) with my boy! So thankful I don't have to do that... :-)
The smell of Christmas cookies baking in the oven.
Eggnog! Yummy!
Chats with my girl... she gives me perspective.
Gently falling snow.
Warm clothes for this very chilly wintry weather we are having.
The scent coming from my fresh Christmas wreath.
Our home all decorated for Christmas... and for Christmas music while I work in the kitchen!
Our family chats... on why we do the things we do and why we choose to do without some material things. Grateful for the privilege of molding young souls and guiding them in Jesus' ways.
A trek downtown for my workplace's Christmas lunch. Thankful that I get to work from home the rest of the year! :-)
Acupuncture... helping to heal my injured shoulder.
More hours at work in the New Year (hopefully a temporary thing!)... although it's not my preference to work more, I am thankful for God's provision through my job.
Fridays... and the looking forward to weekend activities with the family!
My hubby... his integrity and work ethic.
An unplanned tea time with a friend at her kitchen table... encouraging conversation. I saw her waiting for a bus on a frigidly cold day this week and offered to drive her home.
Our family making and serving dinner to over 100 homeless folks with my sisters and their hubbies. Our Christmas wouldn't be complete without serving at Out of the Cold.
Strength to do the above even with my weak shoulder/arm. Very thankful for grace...
A broken heart... having a hard time reconciling the stark contrast between homelessness and wealth. After serving at Out of the Cold, we drove home to a neighbourhood with huge houses alit in Christmas lights... the contrast hit me very hard! The words of the song Hosanna is ringing very true...
♪♫ Break my heart for what breaks YOURS... ♫♪173.
A quiet Sunday morning just to sit and reflect...
Watching a Christmas skit with little toddlers in it... so cute.
The new Narnia movie --- The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Thankful for C.S. Lewis' gift of words, imagery and symbolism... and the lessons found within.
My friends... 12 more days to Christmas! As our family continues to observe Advent with Ann Voskamp's Jesse Tree Journey, each day we are more and more in awe of God's amazing grace --- His gift to us that very first Christmas day!
Here I am. Lord, send me!

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