Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Giving Instead of Getting

One of the grace-gifts I listed yesterday on my Multitudes on Mondays post was this:
:: Shopping for items to pack into hygiene kits for homeless youth.
This past Saturday, our kids got together with their cousins and "almost-cousins" for our annual Christmas party. First, let me explain the "almost-cousins." :-) This group actually started 23 years ago with five teenage girls --- myself, my two sisters and our two friends who are also sisters --- us five, we're just like blood sisters! Hence, our kids are "almost-cousins."

Here we were... 20+ years ago!

So... the 14 "almost-cousins" aren't getting presents from the aunties this year. Instead, those of us who are here in the Greater Toronto Area used the money to purchase hygiene items for homeless youth who are ministered to by Yonge Street Mission! Our one "sister" who lives in the nation's capital is going to make a delivery to the local food bank!

So... Saturday was party time! What a fun afternoon we all had packing the hygiene kits!!! Here are some photos...

God can enter into me, even me, and use these hands, these feet, to be His love, a love that goes on and on and on forever, endless cycle of grace.
~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts.

Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly.  Love mercy.  Walk humbly with God!


  1. Oh wow! How awesome... loved the pics! Loved seeing the almost cousins! You inspire me!

    Merry Christmas!

    Much love,

  2. LOVE it!! It reminds me of packing kits with our GEMS club for the Seafarers. Lots and lots of small things and lots and lots of fun and laughter! What a fun day!

