Bethlehem was like any other town in the hills of Judea. Yet, it was the birthplace of the greatest king of Israel, David, and one thousand years later, the Messiah. Honor comes to the ordinary because of God's choice, whether it is God's choice to use a town, or a nation, or even a single man or woman, boy or girl. So if this is shaping up to be an ordinary day for you - be prepared. That's the stage on which the acts of God are played.
~ Mel Lawrenz, Christmas Joy.
Bethlehem, an ordinary town. Mary, an ordinary girl. That first Christmas, an ordinary day. Today I am thankful that God chooses to use the ordinary to achieve extraordinary things!
Grace-gifts continue with #1154 - #1165... gifts given on ordinary days...
:: Visiting an uncle at the hospital.
:: Printing photos... counting memories.
:: Mailing Christmas gifts.
:: Watching my kids play basketball.
:: Watching hubby coach basketball.
:: Buying groceries.
:: Another Compassion child sponsored!
:: Running a Christmas Toy Drive at church!
:: Welcoming people to church as they arrive.
:: Sunday afternoon nap.
:: An ordinary, slow week!
:: My Advent readings...
Grace-gifts continue with #1154 - #1165... gifts given on ordinary days...
:: Visiting an uncle at the hospital.
:: Printing photos... counting memories.
:: Mailing Christmas gifts.
:: Watching my kids play basketball.
:: Watching hubby coach basketball.
:: Buying groceries.
:: Another Compassion child sponsored!
:: Running a Christmas Toy Drive at church!
:: Welcoming people to church as they arrive.
:: Sunday afternoon nap.
:: An ordinary, slow week!
:: My Advent readings...
Christ, you are the King above all other kings, the high priest who has made the ultimate sacrifice, the prophet who has had the last word. Let me be astonished this Christmas by knowing more fully than ever before, that you really have come and have changed this world, and are here still.
~ Mel Lawrenz, Christmas Joy.
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Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
Great list. Love counting the memories with photos! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that God chooses to use the ordinary...otherwise I would have no hope on being His vessel.
ReplyDeleteHe uses all of us. Thankful fore you..
ReplyDeleteGiving Him glory in all...
He uses all of us. Thankful fore you..
ReplyDeleteGiving Him glory in all...
Sunday afternoon naps- such a gift from our Good Giver who knows we are dust! Blessings to you from Uganda