Our family is now home from our trip to the Philippines... our first ever missions immersion trip! We have so much to digest, to process, to reconcile (#917)... through it all, we have indeed seen that our God is truly good (#918), that Christ is truly all that matters (#919).
As our family start this journey of digesting, processing and reconciling all that we have seen and experienced, I continue to count grace-gifts... even more in awe of the greatness of our Sovereign God!
Grace-gifts #920 - #945... with a heart forever grateful!
~ Lunch with my parents at my childhood home.
~ Visiting Tacloban, where hubby spent most of his childhood summers.
~ Meeting many relatives there... most for the very first time.
~ Fun times... freaking out over lizards (again!} in our hotel room!
~ Historical sights of Tacloban.
~ A very filling buffet dinner with our immediate family!
~ Seeing my 102-year-old grandma one more time...
~ Saying goodbye to her not knowing if I will see her again.
~ Use of the airport V.I.P. Lounge!
~ Delayed flight... more time with my parents.
~ The whole family upgraded to business class... sweet!
~ Last dinner in Manila with hubby's brother and his family.
~ Unexpected one day + night stay in Hong Kong.
~ Being able to see Hong Kong for free... an unexpected gift!
~ Lovely hotel in Hong Kong where I recovered from an upset stomach.
~ Smooth flight home.
~ Good seats away from peanut allergens... safety for my boy.
~ The weekend to get re-organized at home.
~ Unpacking, doing laundry, getting groceries, paying bills.
~ Meeting a work deadline on time.
~ Ready to get back to routine.
~ Looking forward to a brand-new week!
~ Relishing in the reality that God is always, always, always good.
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Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
What a wonderful blessing to spend time with family and your history at the same time!
ReplyDeleteI know you cherished it!
Thanks for sharing,
What a great family trip.
ReplyDeleteWhat a rich trip.