271. Beautiful shadows on the snow made by the sunshine after the storm! |
My boy's fresh haircut.
Working-from-home... thankful for this arrangement each time I have to go into the downtown office for a meeting!
Thankful that I got a ride from hubby for the above-mentioned meeting... as he made a service call at one of his clients located two blocks away from my workplace's office.
February... a new month... a short one!
The aroma of strawberry banana muffins baking in the oven.
A snow day... kids played hooky from school... with my permission, of course! :-) Our school board was one of the few that kept schools open.
So... we enjoyed a slow day at home as my girl's basketball practice and away game, plus Honour Band practice were all canceled due to the snow. A very restful day... loved it!
Tried a new recipe for pork ribs... it had tomatoes and fennel seeds in it. Yummy!
Hubby and the kids helping our neighbour shovel their driveway.
Beautiful, warm sunshine... it makes me happy.
Ever thankful that my Heavenly Father has graciously given me a precious gift in my hubby... ♫♪ "Come what may 'til that day, we'll walk forever holding hands. By God's grace 'til that day, we'll walk forever holding hands." ♪♫
Two more wins for my girl's basketball team... still undefeated. Wow!
Hand-me-down clothes for my girl from a friend... great to connect with her family again after being out-of-touch for a while.
My kids coming home for lunch everyday. I love that little bit of extra time with them.
Looking through old photo albums... of when my kids were little! Ahhh, the memories...
Grocery shopping with my kids in tow... doesn't happen often. Grateful for the company and also for the extra arms to help carry things.
Getting non-perishable food items together for two food drives happening this week... thankful for the Micah 6:8 opportunities that come our way!
Getting some office filing done for our home-based business with the help of my girl!
Folding fresh-out-of-the-dryer laundry... I don't usually have the opportunity to get to it right away.
For the privilege of gifting a dear friend of mine a copy of One Thousand Gifts... praying that the book will be a grace-gift to her as it is to me!
As I keep counting gifts... each day I become even more grateful for Grace!
Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!

I’m here from Ann’s. Sorry so late but it takes a long time to get through all of these gratitude lists. And…
ReplyDeleteMy faves from your list:
280. Hubby and the kids helping our neighbour shovel their driveway. (love is as love does)
290. Folding fresh-out-of-the-dryer laundry... I don't usually have the opportunity to get to it right away. (a small joy that reveals the heart of a lioness – the heart of a mom)
This was a really good thing to read today
God Bless and Keep You and all of yours