Friday, October 1, 2010

Hello There, October!

Well, wouldn't you know it?!?  It's October already.  I welcome your arrival, October... I am actually quite excited to see you.  It's only the very first morning of October and it's been an exciting one already to say the least... before I start writing, let me contain my excitement and compose myself first as I try to catch up to God's speed here!  :-)

Okay.  Deep Breath.  Big Grin.  I think I'm all caught up now! 

You see... yesterday was the official ending of our involvement with a ministry that was near and dear to our hearts... one that our family nurtured like a newborn baby!  Sometimes in life, we encounter disappointments... things just don't turn out the way we expect them to.  The thing is... how things turn out is exactly how God intended it to be all along.  We are puzzle pieces that He is putting into places of His choice in order to complete HIS BIG PICTURE.

So... today marks a new month, a new start, a new beginning.  Best of all, God's steadfast love and new mercies accompany these new things!  One ministry assignment ends for us yesterday and a new one sprouts up today... how much more exciting can it be!  Truly beauty from ashes!

If you're a regular on here, you know that over the summer months God led us to be involved with a ministry for under privileged children in the Jane/Finch area.  That experience has opened our eyes to who the truly needy are in our society!  How can we sit back in our comfortable suburban settings and lifestyles when these needs are calling out to us?

Well... this morning, God arranged for hubby and me to meet up with our friend who is the Site Supervisor of the ministry at Jane/Finch.  We chatted and encouraged each other.  He helped us see where we can fit in to help and serve in this ministry!

Exciting.  Humbling.  Amazing.  God is good... HE has successfully knocked our socks off once again!!!

Our family is very much looking forward to this new leg of the journey.  Life is full of surprises... God is full of surprises... that is what makes life exciting!

Here I am.  Lord, send me!        

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