This post will be totally random ... I have a ton of stuff to post about but don't have enough time to spare, so I thought I'd just type away and see where this will lead me.
~ Since my last blog post, I'm still deep in thought about faith. Today, my kids' Sunday school lesson was on faith and their memory verse is from Matthew 17:20 --- "...if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." Got me thinking ... a mustard seed is soooo small. Just imagine having a giant faith ... God would be able to use me for soooo much more!
~ God is good! He has shown us as a church planting team that He is always faithful. He is God, our Provider. He provided for our Canada Day event, for our immediate financial needs, new families to visit/join the church plant, a great first week of ignition, our 8-week summer sports day camp initiative! ~ This blog is now one year old! My first post was just over a year ago on July 2, 2007. I am now just realizing that soooo much has changed in just a year. It's great to be able to come online and read about everything that has happened. Great reminder of God's faithfulness!
~ WALL-E is a great movie! Both kids loved it. Hubby and I enjoyed it as well.
~ My daughter went away to overnight camp last week. She had a blast! While she was away, my son had a friend over for the whole week! He had a blast as well. He and his friend both attended ignition. They had lots of fun learning how to play soccer and baseball better.
~ Today at church, through our pastor's message, God reminded me of Joshua 1:9 once again. "This is my command — be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." I guess this is reminder #6!!!
~ This coming week is packed with activities! I am gearing up for it --- volunteering at ignition, working, both kids will be home, we have something booked for each night!, a birthday party on Thursday, decorating for our friends' wedding on Friday, planning on an outing with the kids on Saturday, going away on Sunday night! Phew...summer is flying by!
Well, I think that is all for my random post. Logging off to catch some zzzzz's now!
"...the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."
---Psalm 121:8 NIV