Eleven years ago today, after almost 27 hours of labour, hubby and I welcomed our baby girl into this world. I can still remember that day like it was yesterday --- her sweet tiny little face; a full head of ebony black hair; tiny fingers and toes; one eye open, the other eye closed; and, a hungry cry that can be heard down the hospital halls!
Where did the time go? My baby girl is now eleven! She is no longer a baby --- she has grown into a loving, responsible and beautiful young lady who loves the Lord Jesus Christ with all her heart. My prayer continues to be that she will mature into a God-fearing young woman --- "a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour".
There is a poem entitled 'A Daughter, Pink Yesterdays' written by Alice Collins and I'd like to include a few lines from it on here today...
How can it be that when I bent to kiss you goodnight, my daughter... A beautiful young woman lay where only yesterday a little girl had been?... Was it not only yesterday, crayons of all colors laid upon the table?... How can it be the buggy you filled with so many dolls has been pushed aside?... It seems as though the ink has just dried on the pages of your baby book and here we are laughing over pages in your year book... Such a little while ago you cried, "Mommy, I'm scared" and now you whisper, "Mom, don't worry I'll be fine"... Wasn't it only yesterday ruffles and tea parties colored my world pink and today a goodbye kiss stain my world blue?... How did it happen so quickly... And when I stop to realize that all my golden tomorrows will bask in the memories of pink yesterdays... I thank the Lord for pink yesterdays!
Happy Birthday to my sweet daughter. As the story 'Love You Forever' by Robert Munsch says: "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." You will always be my baby girl!!!
"I thank my God every time I remember you."
---Philippians 1:3 NIV