Today I am reflecting... about the time when I started counting grace-gifts almost exactly six months ago this week, how my heart was in bad shape! I will forever be grateful that through this practice of counting grace-gifts, God has helped me to turn a corner. It has been good, no, not just good, it has been an awesome experience of truly seeing God!
"Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift. That's why it's called The Present!" ~ Author Unknown.With a grateful heart for The Present, the count continues with...
#498 - #520
~ Ann Voskamp's words on her blog... which led me to start counting grace-gifts.
~ My Heavenly Father, who never lets me go!
~ Overflow by Sarah Walker... ♫ "Unending grace is pouring over me." ♫
~ Putting train tracks together for my little almost-3-year-old nephew!
~ Taking 'train requests' from him for his birthday. :-)
~ Drinks from the bubble tea shop with my girl.
~ Late-night outing to Wal-Mart with hubby.
~ New piano book for my girl... sign of progress. :-)
~ An honest UPS delivery man!
~ An Orange Julius smoothie for my boy.
~ Holding my boy's hand... rare these days!
~ My hubby... his hard-work ethic and conscientiousness.
~ My kids fixing their own breakfasts... so I can sleep a bit longer.
~ Smooth-sailing work day.
~ A sale on airfare {for our Asia trip this Summer} saving us $1200! Wow! :-)
~ Excitement... as we start to plan for the visit with our Compassion daughter!
~ My girl applying to join a Summer compassion trip with our church's youth!
~ Brunch with my sisters and their families.
~ A get-together with old friends over pizza!
~ Encouraging a friend going through losses... a hard eucharisteo, for sure!
~ Learning lots from Sunday morning teachings at church, and...
~ For a church that practices compassion!
~ A lazy Sunday afternoon at home {with my pajamas on already}.
Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!

I have chill bumps!!!! Maybe I should call them grace bumps! Such a wonderful post, and congratulations on reaching the 500 point. I'm not there yet, but I'm so with you about the changes this has done in my heart. I loved your list today. I so enjoy coming here. The music lifts me up, and your gratitude list takes me to the Throne of Grace. Thank you!