Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven — and the future starts now! ~ 1 Peter 1:3-4 (The Message)
Counting grace-gifts, with a heart forever grateful for the ultimate Grace-gift given to us that day at Calvary... the day that changed the course of history!Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues. ~ John R.W. Stott
#536 - #562
~ The stone is rolled away... Jesus is risen!
~ Amazing grace that saved a wretch like me.
~ God's relentless love, never letting me go.
~ His peace, like a river.
~ Sweet Easter treats...
~ A simple dinner of bacon and eggs.
~ Hearty potato chicken soup for lunch.
~ Time to get everything done that needs to be done.
~ Reading an Easter devotional together as a family.
~ The robin who's been singing in my backyard every-day this week, and
~ The dew-dripping, budding tree branches on which it perches.
~ My girl's take on five loaves and two fish... beautiful!
~ Praying Proverbs 30:7-9... God is gracious to provide just enough, and
~ Shaun Groves' new song based on the above verses... called Enough.
~ Beating the Easter weekend grocery-shopping crowd. :-)
~ Reactine for my Spring allergies... it works!
~ Atypical work day... grace to get me through.
~ Long weekend...
~ The Cross... a blog post my girl has written for Easter.
~ Good Friday dinner with family.
~ My boy slowly recovering from his bout with a stomach bug.
~ Spring-cleaning my garden on this Easter weekend... seeing new life!
~ An awesome video of the song, Because He Lives.
~ Staying home with my boy on Easter Sunday... he's still not 100% better.
~ Hubby and my girl attending Easter Sunday service at church.
~ A different Easter...
~ Watched Soul Surfer with my girl... awesome story of faith!
Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!

Very thankful for His saving grace too! That robin singing in your backyard will likely begin nest building very soon.