I've been anticipating its arrival for weeks now... ever since I pre-ordered it just before Christmas. So... upon its arrival, I naturally cracked open the pages right away. I read and read and read and could not put it down. It is truly an amazing book... each page speaking to the depths of my soul. Truly a blessing, a gift!
It is a must-read! Get a copy today, my friends!!!
Here are some of my favourite quotes from the book... excerpts from Chapter 10, Empty to Fill, Ann writes:
Eucharisteo means "to give thanks," and give is a verb, something that we do. God calls me to do thanks. To give the thanks away. That thanks-giving might literally become thanks-living. That our lives become the very blessings we have received.
I am blessed. I can bless. Imagine! I could let Him make me the gift!
I could be the joy!
In an endless cycle of grace, He gives us gifts to serve the world. This is how to make a life great and eucharisteo embarks us on the path: "Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave" (Matthew 20:26-27).
It's the fundamental, lavish, radical nature of the upside-down economy of God.
Empty to fill.
Here I can become the blessing, a little life that multiplies joy, making the larger world a better place.
God can enter into me, even me, and use these hands, these feet, to be His love, a love that goes on and on and on forever, endless cycle of grace.
Beautiful words... wonderful truth!
Our family had the opportunity to live out these words last night. We, together with friends and extended family, made and served a Chinese New Year dinner to 100+ homeless folks. We had an awesome time... thanks-giving in action! Thanks-living...
Tables all set... ready for our guests! |
The menu. |
Busy preparing the food. |
Cheese and veggie tray prep area. |
The soup that took almost 3 hours to boil!!! |
The wonton assembly line. |
Frying the wontons! |
My hubby, our trusty dishwasher! :-) |
Dinner is served. |
Dessert time!!! |
Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
This looks like a lot of fun! I'm going to order Ann's book tonight!!