Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Do Justice. Love Mercy. Walk Humbly.

I get those very words inscribed onto the back of my iPad mini...

Those very same words adorn one wall of my office...

We read those very same words each time we go up or down the stairs in our home...

Do justice. Love Mercy. Walk humbly.
It is a verse from the Bible, from Micah 6:8. It is our Family Manifesto... our desire, our prayer... we pray that, with God's grace, it will be our lifestyle, in fact, our very life. It has not been an easy journey... but God's grace has been and will be sufficient!

To act justly is to promote justice, to confront injustice and oppression, to strive to alleviate inequalities... both locally and globally.

To love mercy is to love being compassionate to those, locally and globally, who are less fortunate than us, to express kindness to them.

To walk humbly with God is to live in obedience to God's greatest commands to love Him and love others, to live in a way that is free of arrogance, judgmental-ism and self-righteousness.
So fundamental to the life of faith are these twin teachings of loving God and loving neighbour that they are given top priority in God's original handwritten instructions of daily living. Christ later underscored their central importance by declaring that the entire law is contained in these two inseparable commands.

~ Robert D. Lupton
And, Isaiah 58:7 paints the picture very clearly... in the NIV it says:
Is it not to share your food with the hungry
and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter—
when you see the naked, to clothe them,
and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
{Side note: Speaking of this verse from Isaiah 58, please hop over to my girl's blog to read her post from yesterday on Isaiah 58. So much wisdom there. Wow! This mama's heart is smiling happy.}

Friends, today marks the beginning of Lent...
Our family is choosing to practice Micah 6:8 by observing Lent, by refraining from eating out. The equivalent money saved will be going towards our church's AIDs Care Campaign. It's a radical campaign... aiming to raise close to $400,000.00 in the form of AIDs Care Kits and AIDs Care Cards!

Watch this short video to learn more about this campaign:

Radical? Yes! Impossible? No!
Friends, consider this quote. What is your answer to the question, the last sentence in the quote?
The early Christians were so committed to caring for another's needs that history records their practice of fasting to save food to give to others who were more in need. What would happen if the world today could see such a clear and consistent demonstration of God's love?

~ Wes Roberts.
Will you join us? Let's be radical together?
Pack an AIDs Care Kit? Sponsor a child? Help a street kid? Build a home for low-income families? Volunteer at an inner-city ministry? Consider a basketball ministry?

The possibilities to live radical for Jesus are endless! Let's live Micah 6:8 and be radical today!

Compassion is a command, an act of worship, a song of thanks to Him.
Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!


  1. Your blog is so beautiful! I've never seen a blog that plays music when you open it. Very inspiring and I like your Lenten observation. bless you.

  2. How did I know you would write about that verse? : )

    I loved this post - I never tire hearing of what you have to say about this verse and how it inspires your family to serve.
