Saturday, October 20, 2012

One Roof!

Today is the day...
The day our church family, everyone from all 13 sites of The Meeting House gathering under One Roof! I just know it's going to be awesome!

I am most excited about hearing the new mission that will guide our church community into these next four years... to following Jesus with more abandon, to doing compassion with more sacrifice, to living as a disciple with more intention!

My heart overflows with great joy as I think about how God brought us into community with this church family... it's truly been such a gift to our family! 

In the Summer of 2010, we started attending this church after sensing that God is initiating a change in how our family serves Him... after each Sunday, we felt more and more drawn towards The Meeting House. After much prayer and waiting... this is what I wrote on the first Sunday of 2011

It's been more than two years since that Sunday when we first walked into movie theatres in a shopping mall to attend church... unsure of what we were going to experience...

God's goodness always shines through... 
Friends, it's been the most awesome two+ years... we are learning from a great teaching pastor who constantly and always points us to Jesus... we are being stretched to live simply and give generously to those in need... we are in community with a great bunch of people, not only at the site we attend on Sundays but also at Home Church each and every Monday night... our kids have made great friends... they are growing in their faith and they are being challenged in how they practically live it out! 

I could go on and on... but I won't. :-) But this I must say... God's grace is amazing, He truly is always good and His love truly is relentless!

So... soon, our family will be getting ready to head out to One Roof! It's going to be One. Big. Party!!! Happy Saturday, friends! Let me leave you with this... before I sign off. :-)

This month of October, I am participating in a blog link up called 31 Day Series. I will be writing about Celebrating JOY! Click on the banner below for 1000+ other topics! 

Compassion is a command, an act of worship, a song of thanks to Him.
Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!

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