I recently came across this song... loved it right away! It was born from a John Piper quote which says: "God is doing a thousand things in everything He does." So true! Even when we don't see or realize... God is weaving our lives and making everything beautiful in His time!
That is why I count grace-gifts! As I continue to hunt for a thousand miracles, my 1,000 gifts list grows by these few more...
#833 - #858
~ Our suitcases are zipped up!
~ Work is all wrapped up!
~ Kids are beyond excited!
~ Kids are finally asleep.
~ Our family's first mission trip is finally happening.
~ A ride to the airport.
~ 6 seats for the 4 of us on the long-haul flight over the Pacific Ocean!
~ A corner seat for my boy, safe from peanut/nut allergens on the plane.
~ Friendly and accommodating flight crew.
~ Soaring through the heavens.
~ Beauty of the clouds from above...
~ Sight of glaciers below... wow!
~ Graceful contours of the land.
~ City lights from high above... superb view.
~ Travelling mercies!
~ Jetlag = quiet mornings to blog!
~ Taal Volcano... wow!
~ Foods I've missed!
~ Sights of the third world... break my heart for what breaks Yours!
~ My children soaking in the sights... and,
~ Asking questions, learning, feeling, processing.
~ Eyes to see and hearts to feel!
~ NBA all-star game... all the way here in Asia!
~ Spending time with family we haven't seen in almost 12 years!
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Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
Love this list!! I am so excited for you and your family and for what God will do in you and through you! You continue to be in my prayers!