Week 2 is entitled Prayer. We are learning that prayer is the weapon God has given us for the journey of loving and serving those in need.
A life of continual prayer leads to more than just continual prayer. Not only does God work through prayer to change this world, God works through prayer to change me. When prayer is an organic part of my life, it will change my heart and it will spark my actions.
If my prayer were at all sincere, I'd have to act.
If I have a living faith and I'm praying sincerely, my prayers will breed action.
Sincere prayer will change my heart. The Holy Spirit will steadily transform me and trade my thoughts for God's. I'll begin to be filled more and more with God's love for others.Continual prayer... it is coming awake and remaining awake to God's presence! Much like counting 1,000 gifts! I can truly say that by practicing the act of counting 1,000 gifts this past half-a-year or so, continual prayer has become more of an organic part of my life. That in itself is a grace-gift (#744) for which I am forever grateful for.
Speaking of prayer sparking my actions, over the last few months God has been nudging me to do more in terms of serving the last, the least, the forgotten, and the forsaken. Because I am working at my desk {on my computer} for six or more hours each day, I started to explore ways in which I can make a difference for the last, the least, the forgotten, and the forsaken while I work at my desk.
The idea of becoming a Volunteer Advocate for Compassion piqued my interest. I discovered that I can do most of the advocating via social networking on the Internet... Facebook, Twitter, blogging! Without wasting a moment, I applied for the position. Well, after a few emails, a phone interview and them chatting with my reference... this morning, I got confirmation that I've been accepted into the Compassion Canada Advocate Network!!!
I am beyond excited at what God has in store for me with this new role... but also nervous and anxious at the same time as I've never done anything like this before! As I wrote just yesterday, God is indeed up to something new... and our family is having a blast following where He leads!
In closing, please watch this video called Grace Finds Hope... and I pray that today is the day you answer the call to provide that hope for a child in need.
Please watch the video:
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Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
Praying for you this morning as you continue to find ways to redeem your time in loving so many...and as you prepare for the Philippines.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lisa!