Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Joy Is

... always, always, always possible!
So then as long as thanks is possible... then joy is always. Whenever, meaning now. Wherever, meaning here.
~ Ann Voskamp, One Thousand Gifts.
Our current teaching series at church is called Inside Out. At Home Church last night, we were discussing which emotional pattern we tend to default to and how we can take steps towards being changed by God, with His help, from the inside out. Is it fear? Is it anger? Is it sadness?

My default emotional pattern? Yup... it's most certainly fear! And it is almost always reinforced by the "what-if" thoughts!

We further discussed the ways in which we tend to cope with these feelings and thoughts. When it comes to fear: we need our hearts to be secure in God's love... then we will feel peace; we need our minds to be renewed to know the truth... to know that we can trust God; we need a transformed life... in order to face our fears.

I shared with everyone last night about my counting of grace-gifts... how it, hands down, has been the single most practical thing that I do each day to help me feel secure in God's love, renew my mind and transform my everyday life. It has definitely enabled me to face my fears in a healthy and God-honouring way... knowing that joy is always possible! Truly life-changing!   

As I continue to count grace-gifts, with unending thanks... to The One who desires for our lives to be transformed from the inside out... these are the things I am thankful for this week... #2817 - #2823:
:: Grace to get through a whopper of a week!
:: Esperanza... hope! How He always gives good gifts...
:: A fresh haircut.
:: A great time at the Provincial Championships with my boy's Robotics Team.
:: A quiet Sunday morning spent at home with my boy.
:: A quieter week coming up this week for our family.
:: The sunshine that's streaming into my office window right now! ♥
And, today? Just this, friends...
When you are a believer — and you stop counting blessings? It’s like blindfolding yourself and wondering why everything’s black.
~ Ann Voskamp.
Choosing to live a surrendered life... because Christ's love compels me... and giving thanks for everything that my good God so freely bestows, so lavishly gives and so extravagantly showers!

Compassion is a command, an act of worship, a song of thanks to Him.
Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!


  1. Stopping by from Ann's. Amazing how a fresh haircut can just make you feel good! I love that quote from Ann at the bottom. So true!

  2. Thanks Aimee for your encouraging words to my soul as anxiety creeps its way up into my heart these mere days before China. You, Ann and others have inspired me to get that practical and this year is my JOY dare.... 1000 this year of thankful thoughts and prayers. One of today's? You!

    1. So excited for you, Teresa... as you get closer and closer to stepping on Chinese soil! Praying for you!!!

      Glad to be an encouragement and humbled to be part of your 1,000 Gifts list! :-) Thanks for popping by here today!
