Happy Friday, everyone! It's been a quiet week here on my blog because... I've been busy painting!
Every now and then, I get this "itch" to re-paint different areas of our house. I've had this most recent "itch" for a couple of months now. So, over the last week or so when my workload got a little lighter... I jumped on the opportunity and picked up the paint roller!
What started as a small project to re-paint our two upstairs bathrooms grew into, well... a bigger project! It took me just one day to do those two bathrooms so I figured I'd get the basement bathroom re-painted as well. When the basement bathroom got done in one night, well... I became ambitious. :-)
My heart was set on re-doing our laundry room next. It's the one room in the whole house that has never been painted yet... and we've been in this house for almost 17 years now! It still has the original builder's paint and it's in poor shape... after all, this room is used a lot! It's not only the laundry room, it also serves as our "mud room" where everything gets deposited once we enter the house {because it is situated by the front door}!
So... this week, I set out to attack our laundry room with these two paint colours:

Here is the work-in-progress:
I am looking forward to the finished project, which should be sometime this weekend! Two IKEA storage units still need to go up... waiting on hubby to get the right anchor hardware so that the shelves don't fall down on us! :-)
I know I am going to love the new storage space! Before, we just had stuff piled along the wall or hung behind the door. Now, they will have their own "home" on the shelves! I love organizing stuff... can you see the big smile on my face?!
Speaking of organizing stuff, I am currently reading a book called Organized Simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider. I'm not too far into it yet, but I think it's going to be a great read. Here's a quote from the first few pages:
What does it look like for a modern-day family to live simply while still participating in afterschool sports, errand running, and getting enough sleep to not go insane? Simple living is about living your life with a purpose that aligns with your values. It's about enjoying the things you love and care about and not about stressing over the things that don't matter. It's fulfilling; it brings peace; it drips with contentment. Living simply is about being who you were made to be.
Unwrapping more of His love in this world.
Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!
looks beautiful... thanks for the scripture on my post... I love that scripture too.
ReplyDeleteLove the colours! Tsh's book is excellent! One of my favorite organizing books to date! Enjoy!